
Higher Education


Higher Education at Kalam Solutions

Globally, institutions of higher learning are encountering challenges that are disrupting and upending traditional teaching models. While addressing these challenges, they are also under pressure to deliver superior student-teacher experiences, provision the infrastructure and solutions needed to drive operational efficiencies, and adopt innovative models to drive a competitive edge.

An adaptive, resilient, and robust digital foundation has become pivotal in transforming learning, development, and operations.

The digital-first world is changing how knowledge and skills are delivered, students and teachers are more empowered, and new disruptive educational constructs are emerging rapidly.


The Higher Education services Kalam Solutions served include

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    Education Providers

    We combines education sector domain knowledge with digital expertise to help schools, colleges and universities chart strategies and apply technology to improve student access, experiences and success.

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    Education Publishers

    We works with the  education publishers, helping them lead with digital-first products and content. We have proven experience transforming traditional businesses, products and operations designed for modern learning.

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    Testing & Assessment Providers

    Here industry leading design thinking and digital engineering services help build end-to-end platforms for assessment authoring, delivering, proctoring and reporting to enhance the classroom experience or certification in a professional environment.

Benefits to bank on

Our clients are able to increase end-user productivity without sacrificing usability.

  • Transformation

    Transform education and research operations with a focus on enabling efficiencies, employee-stakeholder comfort, monitoring programs

  • Remote Learning

    Ensure that learning and development outcomes are not compromised in times of remote learning, ensuring that they are equipped to deliver the outcomes needed

  • Potential

    Recognize the full potential of faculty and research professionals, providing them an environment where they aspire to take things to the next level and give their best

  • Faculty

    Find a competitive positioning and footing in the digital-native global market for attracting students and faculty and earn your desired profit

Stop wasting time and money. Let’s get started